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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-22 瀏覽:



地點:長安校區(qū) 文津樓1506


講座題目1Dynamics of a Simple Two-Patch Model for Interacting Wild and Sterile Mosquitoes


報告人:李佳 教授


Sterile insect technique is one of the effective biological measures in mosquitoes control. Since mosquitoes fly around as we release sterile mosquitoes, the mosquito dispersal affects the effectiveness of the releases. To study the impact of mosquito dispersal, we formulate a simple two-patch model where sterile mosquitoes are only released in one of the two patches. We establish the threshold of releases such that the wild mosquitoes are either wiped out or coexist with sterile mosquitoes. We then investigate the existence and stability of coexistent positive equilibria. Numerical examples are also provided.


李佳,1987年于美國田納西大學獲博士學位,2000年任美國阿拉巴馬大學漢斯維爾校區(qū)數(shù)學系教授。主要研究領域:動力系統(tǒng),微分方程,差分方程,種群動力學,傳染病動力學,數(shù)學生態(tài)學,環(huán)境數(shù)學建模與分析等,在SCI源期刊發(fā)表論文80余篇, 獲得多項美國國家科學基金項目,組織和參與多次有關生物數(shù)學方面的國際學術會議,具有較高的國際影響力。任Mathematical Biology and EngineeringJournal of Biological DynamicsAnnuals of Differential EquationsJournal of Mathematics and Computer ScienceSCI源期刊副主編,是國際生物數(shù)學領域有重要影響的專家

講座題目2Dynamics of an HBV/HCV infection model with intracellular delay and cell proliferation


報告人:李建全 教授


A new mathematical model of hepatitis B/C virus (HBV/HCV) infection which incorporates the proliferation of healthy hepatocyte cells and the latent period of infected hepatocyte cells is proposed and studied. The dynamics is analyzed via Pontryagin’s method and a newly proposed alternative geometric stability switch criterion. Sharp conditions ensuring stability of the infection persistent equilibrium are derived by applying Pontryagin’s method. Using the intracellular delay as the bifurcation parameter and applying an alternative geometric stability switch criterion, we show that the HBV/HCV infection model undergoes stability switches. Furthermore, numerical simulations illustrate that the intra- cellular delay can induce complex dynamics such as persistence bubbles and chaos.


李建全,陜西科技大學文理學院,教授。1986年畢業(yè)于太原工業(yè)大學數(shù)力系應用數(shù)學專業(yè),獲理學學士學位;1989年畢業(yè)于西安交通大學數(shù)學系應用數(shù)學專業(yè),獲理學碩士學位;2004年畢業(yè)于西安交通大學理學院應用數(shù)學專業(yè),獲理學博士學位;200712月于西安交通大學控制科學與工程博士后流動站出站;20094月應邀訪問意大利那不勒斯大學;1989-2017年任職于空軍工程大學。現(xiàn)主要從事種群生態(tài)動力學、傳染病動力學、病毒動力學的數(shù)學建模與研究,發(fā)表相關學術論文100 余篇,其中被SCI 收錄40余篇。所參與的研究項目分別于2002 年和2006 年獲教育部高等學校科學技術獎自然科學二等獎。曾主持國家博士后科學基金一項,主持國家自然科學基金項目兩項,參兩項與國家十二五重大專項研究項目。博士學位論文獲西安交通大學和陜西省優(yōu)秀博士學位論文。2009 年與他人合作在World Scientific 出版了英文版專著《Dynamical Modeling and Analysis of Epidemics》。