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量子信息學交叉學科系列講座——Codes for interactive quantum communication over noisy channels

發(fā)布時間:2020-11-30 瀏覽:


時間:2020年12月11日 15:00

地點:騰訊會議(會議號:203 514 626)

主辦單位:計算機科學學院 計算智能與量子信息學研究團隊

個人簡介:姚鵬暉,南京大學計算機科學與技術(shù)系副教授;本科畢業(yè)于華東師范大學數(shù)學系,博士畢業(yè)于新加坡國立大學量子技術(shù)中心(CQT),之后先后在荷蘭國家數(shù)學與計算機中心(CWI)、加拿大滑鐵盧大學量子計算研究所(IQC)、美國馬里蘭大學量子信息與計算機科學聯(lián)合中心(QuICS)從事博士后研究工作。主要研究方向是計算復(fù)雜性、量子算法與量子信息論。目前,在算法和通信復(fù)雜性上做出一系列重要成果。在理論計算機科學頂級會議STOC、FOCS和信息論頂級期刊IEEE Transaction on Information Theory上發(fā)表多篇論文。2018年獲得國家高層次人才計劃。

報告摘要: Interactive quantum communication offers the possibility of distributed computation with extraordinary provable savings in communication as compared with classical communication. Most often, if not always, the savings are achieved by protocols that assume access to noiseless communication channels. In practice, though, imperfection in channels is inevitable. Thus, effectively implementing an interactive quantum communication protocol over a noisy quantum channel is a necessary endeavor if we wish to fully reap quantum advantages for communication. However, the standard quantum error correction codes are inapplicable.

Several codes have been proposed for noisy interactive quantum communication. In this talk, I will survey some recent progress about this problem and propose some open problems as future directions.